Gi effects 1 day collection instructions
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GI Effects Gut Pathogen Profile*. Stool. #2207. Comprehensive Parasitology Profile. Stool. #2304. 1 or 3 DAY COLLECTION. • Test not recommended for patients The specimen must be received within 7 days of the first collection. The patient must discontinue digestive enzymes, antacids, iron supplements, vitamin CSee checklist on back. STOOL COLLECTION DAY 1. Put on the latex gloves. Collect your stool specimen using the enclosed collection. 1 x Collection instructions. 1 x Formalin tube (PINK top). 1 x Patient Questionnaire. 1 x White Capped Container. SPECIMEN COLLECTION. 1. For the 1-Day Assessing GI health with the proper tools can help practitioners. how much of an organism's DNA is present in a patient's stool sample is essential for
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